History of Gay and Lesbian Life in Milwaukee, Wisconsin - People - Bios

Sue Burke


Primary Involvements:

Community Activist





Sue Burke served on Governor Tony Earl's Council on Lesbian and Gay Issues, in the mid-1980s. In 1984 she received the Cream City Business Asscoiation's "Pace Setter award", "presented to the gay woman or man who has by his or her work best represented the gay community and aided its growth". Sue was cited as a member of the Governor's Council and a strong community advocate.


Photo on occasion of CCBA's
1984 "Pace Setter" award
(Read the full article in the pages of
In Step vol. 2 no. 2, linked here)

Photo at 5th anniversery gala of CCBA
(See more photos of the event in the pages of
In Step vol. 3 no. 10, linked here)

Credits: initial page creation by Don Schwamb;
Last updated: March-2007.