MGGB Takeover of
Aqua Restaurant & Lounge


Aqua Restaurant & Lounge, in the Park East Hotel
1101 N. Astor Street, Milwaukee

This month MGGB took over the Aqua Lounge and its dance floor, just off the lobby of the Park East Hotel on Milwaukee's near east side. (This was the last takeover attended by our co-founder Luke, known as "Attila the Buns".)

Our invitation read as follows:

"ARE YOU READY MILWAUKEE? This month's Guerrilla Gay Bar takeover is TRENDY, TRENDY, TRENDY!


So put on your newest, swankiest, classiest outfit and join us at AQUA! The bar has a water theme, so if you really want to go out of your way, wear something that goes well with bright greens and blues.

The after party will be at TRIANGLE (135 E National). There will be free shots for those who are at the takeover, so make sure you get a sticker!"

Attendance at the Takeover: about 150 queers and friends

After Party: at Triangle bar bar

135 E. National Ave., Milwaukee
AFter-party this month was at The Triangle.

With a Free special Guerrilla Shot for Takeover attendees!

Attendance at the After Party: about 30 people

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