Marlo grew up in Milwaukee’s northern and northwestern communities, including West Bend, Rockfield, Brown Deer, and Port Washington. By age 15, she was already taking the bus to downtown Milwaukee -- searching for people like herself.
"I remember playing pinball at the bus station,” said Marlo, “and a man came up to me and asked if I liked to play games. I was excited, scared, a whole range of emotions. I had no idea what to expect. We went home to his rooming house. He decided I was going to stay there until he said I could leave."
"I stayed there for two days before I escaped in the middle of the night. As it turned out, the door was not locked – but my fear had kept me there.”
“I was arrested once for a minor traffic violation, and the dirtiest, slimiest, most vile cop said to me, ‘the cows at home look better than you, if you’re into cows.’”
“This was survival for us. My friends would talk about police picking up ‘cross dressers’ and taking them behind the Pabst Brewery for sexual favors. If you refused, you were going to jail. You might go to jail anyway. You might be publicly strip searched. You just never knew."
"Only within the last 20-25 years have our people seen any decent treatment.”
Gender non-conforming youth of the 1960s had few choices. They weren’t always welcome at home, and they faced incredible danger on the streets. Sadly, Marlo's experience was very, very common -- and is still common today.
“My father was not a nice man,” said Marlo, “and my parents were always arguing. One night, they were arguing about me. My father said, ‘either IT goes or I go’ and my mother just kept crying."
"We were living upstairs from my sister in West Bend at the time, so I went out and took my brother-in-law’s car. I didn’t even know how to drive. I just knew I had to get out of there."
"I pushed the car down the hill and drove all the way to Milwaukee to my other sister’s house. She was so furious with me. She wouldn’t even let me stay there, and ordered me to leave,” said Marlo.
“We were a few blocks from Capitol Drive and Green Bay Avenue, so I walked straight down Third Street all the way to the movie theater at North Avenue. It was the middle of the night. Some guy came up to me and propositioned me, and I said no."
"I became very aware of how people on the street got by.”
Marlo went home, but not for long. At age 17, she decided to join the Army.
“I was a chubby, effeminate kid,” said Marlo, “so you can imagine how the Army went for me. Another disaster! I served at Fort Riley, Kansas and Fort Bliss, Texas. I served my time and tried to stay out of trouble."
"Of course, I was three months away from discharge when I was caught with another guy. He was pushy, he wanted some action, and finally, I gave in. And that’s when someone walked in."
"I got kicked out, and he got away with it. Go figure.”
At age 21, Marlo returned to Milwaukee to work at Stein’s Garden Center on South 27th Street.
“Milwaukee was a clique, and I was an outsider,” she said. “I didn’t know how to fit in. Everyone always thought I was a girl, so I went with that. I moved to 13th and State and met some girls. Slowly but surely, I found my place and my people.”
“Jamie Gays and Josie Carter were THE stars back then,” said Marlo. “Josie was pretty much just perfection. She was beautiful – and that son of hers was gorgeous too. Our friend Jimmy worked at the Mint Bar, and lived upstairs from Josie. She would have Jamie Gays over and those two would party all weekend!”
Marlo remembers hanging out at the Loop Café (603 N. 5th St.) with other ‘cross-dressers’ of the time. She remembers the owners being very welcoming to trans women and drag queens, which was especially unusual for the time.
“It was one of the few places where you felt almost normal,” she said.
“People went there to hang out after bar,” said Marlo. “I can remember being in a blue silk dress, sitting in a plastic molded chair, and feeling like I was melting and sliding down the chair. They dragged me out to the car."
"Ha! What a sight I must have been.”
Finding the friend of a lifetime
Soon, Marlo met her best friend of a lifetime: Miss Tracey.
“I took a job at the 2010 Club (2010 S. Kinnickinnic) waiting tables. One night, Miss Tracey came into the bar while I was working, and we got to talking. The next night, she came back in full drag and entered our Halloween contest. Of course, Mickey Chanel was there in a sparkling evening gown, so she took the title. Tracey came in second place. It helped that I was one of the judges!”
“Tracey asked me for my address, because in those days, we couldn’t afford phones. I was on 19th and State near the Milwaukee Rescue Mission. At 8 a.m. the next morning, Tracey showed up on my doorstep with a bag of Polish sausages in one hand and a bottle of Pepsi in the other. This was my “morning after” cure for Halloween! We started hanging out all the time after that.”
Marlo remembers the first night she went out dressed as a woman – which was also her debut at the Nite Beat.
“Tracey wanted me to go this event with her, but I’d never done anything like that,” said Marlo. “So we went down to the South Side, and they had women’s suits on sale for $9.99. I bought a plain blue suit with white lace. Tracey got one in metallic gold. I’d never been in high heels before, except my mother’s. But we went out dressed anyway. And I looked so good!
“As it turned out, the event was at the Nite Beat. They had this little show going on. One of the lesbians shaved my legs! We went down this walkway through the bar, but Tracey was rushing me the whole time because she wanted to get the next bus to the black bars. She wanted to go out cruising for men!”
“Tracey always loved the fact I was a month older than her,” said Marlo, “until we heard that whoever dressed you in drag the first time was your mother. I just looked at Tracey and said HA! She didn’t like that very much.”
"We were the best of friends and the worst of enemies. But we were also the ones who stayed together, as friends, for 50 years. How many people can say that?"
Marlo meets the parents
Marc’s Big Boy, at 5th and Wisconsin, was the scene of a special memory for Marlo.
“It had been a few years since I’d seen my mother,” said Marlo, “and she didn’t know about the transgender thing yet. I was living with a guy at the time. So, I wore this purple, fur-lined, Audrey Hepburn suit with a big hat. I’m walking towards my mother and she’s leaning back because she doesn’t recognize me. All she sees is that this woman coming at her has great legs and great fashions. Finally, I said, “Mom, it’s me.”
“My dad hated me my entire life, but after I transitioned, he started to treat me very well,” said Marlo.
“Years later, I went home to see my father as Marlo. There was now a mutual politeness between us that had never been there before. I got to see my younger sister, who was just a child when I left home, due to a 14-year age difference. I finally got to know her.”
Although Marlo made a remarkable reconnection with her father, her older sisters were still not so welcoming.
“I showed up for a family event, and my sister said she, her husband, and daughter were all going to leave if I stayed,” said Marlo. “My father said, all my children are welcome in this house. And that was final. I was shocked because I’d been packing my things to go. I never expected him to speak up for me like that."
"Unfortunately, he passed away not much later.”
Reflecting on a life well lived
As someone who struggled so long, and so hard, to break into “cliques,” Marlo worries that the LGBTQ community is rapidly growing apart.
“The word transgender is an accepted term today, but it still feels foreign to me. Transsexual was the word they used when I was coming up,” she said. “And now there is the nonbinary community, and so many other communities emerging. The 80s and 90s changed so much about our lives. We were all fighting the same enemies. Drag and trans people got along. Lesbians and gay men shared spaces. The cliques were shattered: there was no more ‘fitting in,’ we all just came together."
"I don't mean for anyone not to become the best individual they can be, but I do worry that we’re just not coming together anymore. We’re moving into separate cliques again.”
“It seems there are no real gay bars anymore,” said Marlo. “Not like there once were. Everywhere is mixed. It’s a little disappointing. You have nowhere to go where you can just be yourself. You must always have your guard up.”
She has warm memories of The Tool Box (formerly Kathy’s Nut Hut,) a “come as you are” neighborhood bar where everyone knew your name and everyone could just be themselves. While it wasn't exclusively a lesbian bar anymore, it had a special feeling of community. It's still open to this day, but there aren't many places left like that anymore.
Marlo lived in Walker’s Point for 27 years before relocating to Hartford, Wisconsin. She’s closer now to caregivers and family members now, as she navigates the "rewards of old age." She’s proud of her lifelong friendships, including a close friend whose baby daughter is now a mom herself – and a Milwaukee County Circuit Court judge.
“I sent her to her first day of school,” said Marlo, “and look at her now. We spend holidays together. I was there when she campaigned with the gay community. I was there when she was sworn in. I couldn’t be prouder. And she has always loved me just the way I am.”
“But even today, when I attend something like that, I freeze up a little – because I’m on guard that someone is going to say something about me. I shouldn’t feel this way, after all the places I've been in my life, but that’s just the way I am, and will always be. That's what got me this far."
The concept for this web site was envisioned by Don Schwamb in 2003. Over the next 15 years, he was the sole researcher, programmer and primary contributor.
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The concept for this web site was envisioned by Don Schwamb in 2003, and over the next 15 years, he was the sole researcher, programmer and primary contributor, bearing all costs for hosting the web site personally.
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