July 25, 2024 | Will Eikenbary

Jack Feria: a champion for queer cinema

Helping LGBTQ people feel seen on the silver screen for over a decade.
Jack Feria

Born on August 31, 1995, Jack (he/they) hails from Madison, Wisconsin.

After graduating James Madison Memorial High School in 2013, Jack moved to Milwaukee, where he has become a cornerstone of the community.

Jack’s professional life is a blend of passion and purpose. He works full-time with the Wisconsin LGBT Chamber of Commerce, recently celebrating his fifth anniversary with the organization.

Jack also holds a part-time position at Milwaukee Film, where he serves as a programmer for short films and the GenreQueer program, further cementing his influence in the realm of queer cinema.

Despite these demanding roles, Jack’s journey into the queer community started with a simple, yet profound, love for movies. Growing up, he frequented the local library, drawn to the DVD covers that sparked his imagination. The cover of “Hedwig and the Angry Inch” particularly stood out, evoking a sense of intrigue and belonging even before he fully understood its impact.

This class would eventually inspire Jack to apply for an internship at Milwaukee Film, something that blossomed into his role as a programmer for GenreQueer.

Jack has witnessed significant changes in the LGBTQ scene over the years. One of the most notable shifts is the move away from bars being the primary queer spaces. This change is reflected in the Chamber’s networking events, which offer inclusive and sober spaces for the community to connect.

Among his many accomplishments, Jack is particularly proud of launching GenreQueer in 2018. This program, dedicated to LGBTQ films, provides a platform for queer stories that might otherwise be overlooked. While queer films had a presence at the festival before, GenreQueer created a dedicated space for these narratives, offering visibility and recognition.

Looking to the future, Jack’s advice to the next generation of LGBTQ individuals is simple yet impactful: “Be yourself and avoid trying to fit into someone else’s expectations.” This mantra underscores his journey and the inclusive spaces he continues to build for the community.

Jack Feria’s contributions to Milwaukee’s LGBTQ community and his unwavering support for queer cinema have left an indelible mark. As he continues to champion these causes, his work ensures that future generations will have spaces where they can be themselves and see their stories reflected on the big screen.

"Out in the Kitchen" with (left to right) Phillip Bailey, Jason Rae and Jack Feria.

The concept for this web site was envisioned by Don Schwamb in 2003. Over the next 15 years, he was the sole researcher, programmer and primary contributor.

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The concept for this web site was envisioned by Don Schwamb in 2003, and over the next 15 years, he was the sole researcher, programmer and primary contributor, bearing all costs for hosting the web site personally.